Monday, March 31, 2014

I had such an amazing weekend!

My best friend visited from San Francisco this weekend. We met in the dorms at San Jose State University almost ten years ago! The weather was perfect, so we started our weekend off with my favorite combination of Thai food and sunshine. I could eat yellow curry everyday of my life. In a job interview I once got asked what would be my last meal on death row. Yellow curry, just the juice, straight up. They also asked me what a goal of mine was, I said by 30 to get ripped and go to Coachella. 

I have never been! Last year my favorite band in the world, The Stone Roses played, I doubt they will ever play again, sad days. I learned of the Stone Roses from a 7ft Native American man on a bicycle in San Jose who attempted to heal me from a nasty cold with their music. I had to stop speaking to him once I realized there was probably a reason the bars wouldn't let him in the doors.
 Anyways I think the interviewer thought I meant ripped as In wasted, I got the job, I do well in interviews! Really!

We then went to to the worst mall in America, Horton Plaza. Whoever designed it is a serious asshole.Then Lindsey took me shopping at the best Forever 21 in the world at said mall. Mark says I'm too old to shop at Forever 21, obviously he doesn't get it, FOREVER 21 yo!
I am so happy that I felt well enough to get out of the house this weekend-Mark has been soooo busy and stressed with work and all the attention to my medical and fundraising I'm sure he needed some alone time. We have lived together in a studio apartment 24 hours a day for almost three years now. Mark has no body odor whatsoever, he can go months without washing his hair, I'm sure this helps. Two of my favorite qualities that Mark possesses,
1. Likes to tan, laying in the sun is the best, I hope to be on a tropical island soon, or at least Palm Springs that would be great!
2. Amazing legs, I want to eat them! I always let him walk upstairs first so I can sexually harass him.
My two least favorite things Mark does,
1. His dozen half empty soda cans around the house daily waiting to be spilled- lately I've enjoyed picking them up- it's a treasure hunt, and when they are fully empty I am so proud of him.
2. I can't think of anything else.

Later on Mark and I took Lindsey to our favorite Downtwon San Diego Bar. It is called the The Commons- after Boston. We love our cheap beer, and miss our old dive bars in Boston so much. punters on Huntington Ave. (where we fell in love-thanks Jess Anderson!) Whiskeys, andBukowskis.     PS. Only the strong survive St. Patricks day in Boston.

On Saturday we had a wonderful lunch at a vegetarian restaurant with my momma , the fact that it was vegetarian kind of freaked her out-she's old school. My mom lives in Orange country about 1.5 hours away, so we decided to each take the train and meet half way, Solana beach. Lindsey got to see the beautiful coast from the train. I liked that. And thennnnnnnnn, we went window shopping in some ridiculously overpriced antique stores and saw some pretty cool stuff!  And thennnnnnnnn, visited a store with evil women who pulled a Pretty Woman, I don't think we have anything here that will fit you. And thennnnnnnn, the other worker woman  proceeded to SHOVE me, literally shoved my arm away, in order to place a couple hangers back on the rack ( thank goodness I'm not all cranked up on steroids right now or I would have flipped out. I want a mugshot, maybe could have been good timing.) How can these women live with themselves, so NASTY! Why you gotta be so nasty! 

We finished Lindsey's trip with a relaxing picnic at Balboa Park with Sunny. Since I no longer can walk Sunny he has turned into a beast on a leash with Mark. Sunny has been very sensitive to downtown craziness. We really need a trainer to help us- but money honey- kils. Money sucks. BUT Sunny was an amazing doll! He saw other dogs and didn't bark and go crazy! Hopefully we can find a way to get Sunny better socialized soon. When we travel with him, and have to board him it can be stressful worrying whether or not Sunny's social skills will lead to any trouble. He is a GOOD BOY. He is an angel. He's always been an apartment dog and it's hard for us to get him enough exercise, it's our fault completely. After our lease is up we are moving to a house with a yard. And I'm going to have a garden, my garden, this is very important to me.

I am so very greatful to have had this time with my best friend. We haven't been ble to see each other as much as we like, but now that we live on the same coast that is going to change! When my mom and I visit the doctors in San Francisco next week she is generously putting us up for the night, and her family lives super close to the hospital- NICE! 

This is my first REAL blog post. I feel weird..will you understand my sarcasm? How crazy do I seem? They called me crazy Katie in college. And my family used to call me the Flipper. You can follow me on Instagram @ KRAZYKKATIE. Oh yeah! Lindsey is a super cool blogger social media star ultimate coolest person in the world, so she showed me all these cool apps for photo editing and hooked up my computer and what not so it actually works. Super stoked. 
Alright cool, how did I do?

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Proof of Purchase Presented by Samson Gallery to benefit The School of the Museum of Fine Arts

I will be participating in this! The twist is that you don't know the artist who created it until you purchase the artwork! So this is mayyyybbbbeee my artwork? My website is unfortunately down right now and we haven't been able to fix it, but I have a tumblr floating out there if you google me. Hope everyone is having a great day! Xo - kat

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Katherine says hello

Katherine Romero's  family and friends are uniting to help arrange support for Katherine and her fight with brain cancer.  Through this blog, Katherine would like to share her diagnosis and journey with cancer from A-Z. Katherine is curious, and she thinks you may be too! Most importantly this blog will exist for her to share her daily thoughts, art, news, and photos.  There will also be links on how we can help Katherine and her family  better navigate the cancer world. We are looking for angels to help us keep Katherine emotionally and physically well. With the help of friends, we have been able to start a fundraiser page to receive donations for medical bills, transportation, and feel-good stuff. Katherine Thanks you for checking out this blog!

2013 emergency room visit, seizure on the Boston Trolley. I was NOT very pleased to be on the subway station floor once Mark sounded the alarm and lowered me to the ground. It was my first time wearing these seriously destroyed/ripped skinny jeans given to me by my friend Jess, and got all dolled up... Well anyways my pants  left nothing to the imagination for the Boston spectators- and we missed the polish soccer game at the Polish Citizen American Club in South Boston but all in all it was a good adventure ! 